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Top Ten Reasons We Do Not Need A President Anyway
(submitted by uncle bob)
Americans are perfectly happy with the flip-a-coin approach to foreign policy.
Just look at Cuba and Somalia; they're doing just fine.
The NRA and Big Tobacco are already doing a fine job of running the country.
(Kara Curry)
Leno and Letterman can get enouogh material from the Congress.
So people don't need to spend $20 million to get a job that pays $200,000 a year.
Any major decision can be made by consulting Strom Thurmond's Magic 8 Ball.
(The Radical Moderate)
More interns for us normal guys.
Have already exceeded limit on rich white male authority figures.
(Yorick *the original jester*)
As long as "The West Wing" is on the air, no one will know the difference.
Excellent opportunity to sell the White House on eBay!
(Maniac Bob)
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& crs
Last modified: Dec 11, 2000