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Top Ten Surprises at the Congressional Wiretap Briefings
(submitted by Major Tom)
"And he was like...ya' she goes crazy-total 'cuz she knows like DUH forget much?"
Tap taping mainly consists of "I GOT IT..HANG UP!" "DO YOU GOT IT?" "YES! HANG UP! IT'S FOR ME!" "DO YOU GOT IT?"
A high-level bribery scandal between the NSA and the National Enquirer
Since the story showed up in the papers, the incidence of conversations containing the words "screw you NSA" has risen 3500%.
(Major Tom)
After splitting with her husband, Heather Locklear got a call from "Bob," a Federal employee, that "heard" she was recently single.
Playing the tapes in fast foward makes any terrorist sound like the chipmunks.
Surprisingly, Wire Taps do not produce Wire Beer.
(Bob Clemmons)
The "Bill of Rights" is actually only a list of suggestions.
Ironically, no one remembered to record the hearings, nor write down the testimony.
While the US Government recognizes the widespread problem of drunken ex-girlfriend calls at 2am, they have done nothing to prevent it.
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& crs
Last modified: Feb 20, 2006