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Top Ten Reasons Penguins Are Better Than Cats
(submitted by Bobek)
Penguins will always go out when it's cold.
(Oops I did it again.)
"Penguins" can be rearranged to spell "Snipe Gun," which is cool, whereas "Cats" only makes "Scat" or "Acts."
(Stephen H)
A penguin won't make a fuss if it accidently falls into the bathtub.
(Oops I did it again.)
When was the last time a Penguin vomited in your shoes then wanted a pat?
Penguins lick enormous odds to survive; cats lick themselves.
Cats sleep. Penguins go sledding
Penguins are better mousers. There are no mice in Antarctica, so penguins must have eaten them all.
When a penguin is soaking wet, it looks distinguished. A wet cat just looks scruffy.
(Oops I did it again.)
"March of the penguins" narrator: Morgan Freeman. "March of the kittens" narrator: Pauly Shore.
(Thomas Pålsson)
How many times have you heard someone say, "You gotta come over to Josh's house! He has a pet cat!"
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& crs
Last modified: Apr 3, 2006