direct from . . .
Top Ten Futile Google Searches
(submitted by Luv U 2)
Why doesn't he love me?
(I told you so)
T.S. Eliot explained
(Maniac Bob)
(Oren Otter)
Now where did I put those car keys. . .
Romantic vuvuzela songs
(Father Time)
"how to make myself a less google dependent web-user"
Hot women seeking overweight accountant living with parents
How to use Google
Mel Gibson's next movie
(Good Ol' Horseface)
"#1 Top Ten List entry for: Futile Google Searches"
Copyright © 1995-2015, Scott Atwood and Christian Shelton
Scott Atwood and Christian Shelton (hereafter the authors) retain full
copyright of all material on this and all other pages of "Christian's &
Scott's Interactive Top Ten List." The authors grant to all other parties
the sole right to create a link to this page. However, the authors reserve
all other rights. No material from these pages may be copied without the
express consent of one of the authors.
& crs
Last modified: Aug 2, 2010