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Top Ten Signs Newt's Heart Isn't Really In It Anymore
(submitted by Major Tom)
Offers to "do" Diane Sawyer right on the debate stage.
He's reading Twitter 'shout-outs' during his concession speaches.
(Major Tom)
He's started wearing sponsor patches on his rally cap.
(Major Tom)
His latest charge is that while he is a little bit country, Romney is a little bit rock and roll
(Bentley Bones)
He waffles on the question of a bail out for Hostess Twinkies.
(Bentley Bones)
Availability for interviews now based solely on hotness of female interviewer.
That talk of a multi-billion dollar moon base was just to see the look on the faces of the Tea Party members.
Just had a cardboard cutout made for next debate.
Newt shows up For the Michigan primaries in Grey sweatpants and dirty Jimmy Buffet T-shirt
Requests an "Open Presidency" so he can run for President of other countries at the same time.
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& crs
Last modified: Feb 16, 2012