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Top Ten Ways To End Your Relationship With Your Imaginary Friend
(submitted by The Frunkus Kid)
"Wish You Weren't Here" Imaginary Break-up Cards from Hallmark... they have a card for every occasion!
Imagine a new and more interesting friend and hope he gets the hint.
(Baby Hates Bunnies)
Tell him the voices in your head said he doesn't exist.
Two words: Get Real
Start taking your meds again.
(AlHubb, MJLehde)
The patented "It's not me, it's me" speech.
(Thomas Palsson)
A public venue is best, they are less likely to make a scene.
A "Dear John" letter written in invisible ink.
(Tristan, El Barton)
Imagine that he fell off a cliff, but first imagine that you're somewhere else so you'll have an imaginary alibi.
"I feel like I am the one doing all the work in our relationship."
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& crs
Last modified: Mar 11, 2012