direct from . . .
Top Ten Things to Look for in the Upcoming Monopoly Reality Show
(submitted by Micklin T. Rahe, With Two Houses On Park Place And Pennsylvania Railroad)
McDonald's advertising the show with pull tabs on hashbrowns
(JAM's Friend PRL3)
3 words: Counterfeit Monopoly Money
The Community Chest will be played by Pamela Anderson.
(Bentley Bones)
A huge fight breaking out over who gets the racecar
(Madam Annie Whittington)
Donald Trump hairpiece token
"Occupy Boardwalk" protestors
All the celebrities angling for the Get Out Of Jail Free Card
More casino ads than you can shake a pair of dice at
(Bentley Bones)
None of the Gen X or Y contenstants will buy the railroads because they don't believe railroads still actually exist.
Commercials for the upcoming Hungry Hungry Hippos Reality Show
Copyright © 1995-2015, Scott Atwood and Christian Shelton
Scott Atwood and Christian Shelton (hereafter the authors) retain full
copyright of all material on this and all other pages of "Christian's &
Scott's Interactive Top Ten List." The authors grant to all other parties
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express consent of one of the authors.
& crs
Last modified: May 26, 2013