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Christian's and Scott's Interactive Top Ten List

Top Ten Rejected Titles for Star Wars Episode VII

(submitted by The Frunkus Kid)

10. Star Wars Episode VII: Han Solo and Luke Skywalker's Excellent Adventure (Arcola Mike)
9. Star Wars Episode VII: The Limp Lightsaber (BABaker)
8. Star Wars Episode VII: C3 Gets PO'ed (Bentley Bones)
7. Star Wars Episode VII: The Mulligan (Arcola Mike)
6. Star Wars Episode VII: The Return of Irrelevant Actors (Warchild)
5. Star Wars Episode VII: When You Wish Upon a Death Star (Arcola Mike)
4. Star Wars Episode VII: GET OFF MY MILLENNIUM FALCON (Good Ol' Horseface)
3. Star Wars Episode VII: Return of the Jedis found at Macy's (Bentley Bones)
2. Star Wars Episode VII: It's a Small Galaxy After All (Chunky G)
1. Star Wars Episode VII: A Cruel Hope (Krig the Viking)

Copyright © 1995-2015, Scott Atwood and Christian Shelton

Scott Atwood and Christian Shelton (hereafter the authors) retain full copyright of all material on this and all other pages of "Christian's & Scott's Interactive Top Ten List." The authors grant to all other parties the sole right to create a link to this page. However, the authors reserve all other rights. No material from these pages may be copied without the express consent of one of the authors.

sra & crs Last modified: May 19, 2014